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Club Day 25th May 2024

A good winter turn out last Saturday saw Murray Pool win the stableford competition followed by Owen Evans and Matt Morgan.

Two's  Owen Evans and Steve Pearson.

NTP. Matt Morgan.

Net Eagles, Jackpot 2's not struck.


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Competition Update. 

If you are in the Woodbank Park Cottages Top Dog competition sponsored by Mike and Liz Gibbon can you please arrange to get your matches played.

Also please arrange to get your Club Championship matches played.

If in doubt please talk to Mike at the office.


Canterbury Interclub Ladies Result.

Well done to Nicky, Carolyn, Bev and Anne for a 2-2 result against Scargill in the North Canterbury Interclub competition played at Culverden on Monday.

Hanmer are currently in second place one point behind Scargill, with one round to play.



 Mike the Greenkeeper.

Well done to Mike and thanks for a flawless job in mowing the greens while Neil was on holidays.

We even had some some compliments on the greens from green fee players. 

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Celebrating the life of a long-standing member – Richard John Tapper



Many of you will know of the passing of Richard Tapper last month.  What you may not know is that Richard had a lifelong association with the club, and served its members in multiple ways  over several decades. Richard’s family is hosting a celebration of his life at the clubhouse at 1:00pm 31 May. His sister and our club patron, Beverley Pool, cordially invites all club members to attend, and should you feel inclined, share your stories of this remarkable local son.  Much laughter is a certainty!

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Lesser Known Golf Facts

Caddies originated in France where French students would carry clubs for golfers to try and earn some extra money. The word itself is derived from the French word “cadet” which is their term for a student.

A non dimpled golf ball will only travel less than half the distance of a dimpled ball. Dimples produce turbulence in the boundary layer flow around the golf ball and reduce the separation point of the flow on the back of the ball. This creates less drag and therefore more distance.

In his first round of golf ever, Kim Jong Il of North Korea claimed to have shot a -38, including 11 hole-in-ones on Pyongyang’s 7700 yard championship course!

Bunkers originated by sheep digging with their hoofs to get out of the wind.



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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
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