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Club Day Results 15June24.

It was another excellent turnout for a winter Saturday. 

Well done to Gordon Thomas who did just enough to hold on and win by one stroke from a close field. 

Two's : Steve Gill and Greg Holmes

Nearst the Pin : Steve Gill

Jackpot twos and net eagles not struck.

See full results below.


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Ladies Interclub 

Congratulations to Scargill Ladies Team on winning the final round of the ladies pennants held at Hanmer Springs Golf Club on Monday 17th June.

Scargill won this year’s competition with 18.5 points.

The Hanmer ladies were 3rd, half a point behind Hawarden with a score of  14 points.

Congratulations and thanks very much to all the ladies who participated in the competition this year.

Also, thanks very much to the club members who donated prizes for the raffle and volunteered to make this a very succesful event. 

Congratulations to Nicky West who won Best Stableford in the Senior Grade at the Hawarden Ladies’ Open.


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Champion Carolyn.

Congratulations to Carolyn Williams and her partner who won Best Gross for a North Canterbury team at the Hawarden mixed Canadian Foursomes tournament which was held on Sunday.


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FJ Hanmer Springs Branded Polo's Special.

$75.00 each until end of June.

These make a great present for friends and family.



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It's always great to receive glowing feedback on our beautiful course.


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Great Golf Holes

It pays to find the fairway at Old Head, Kinsale Golf Course, Ireland.  

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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
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