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Nomination of Officers of the management committee of the hanmer springs golf club


With the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the Club on the 14th September 2024, nominations of the executive officers and ordinary members of the Management Committee are now open.

Executive officers

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Men’s Captain/Representative
  • Women’s Captain/Representative

Ordinary committee members

  • Four (4) Ordinary committee members

Nominations must be:

  • in writing on the approved form (attached);
  • proposed and seconded by two (2) financial club members; and
  • signed by the person being nominated, along with a signed “consent to be nominated”.

All nominations must be received by the Secretary fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the AGM.

The names of those nominated as Executive Officers and/or Ordinary Committee members, and the names of the Proposer and Seconder will be displayed in the Club House at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the AGM.

Nominations can be delivered to the golf club office in person, or posted to 133 Argelins Rd, Hanmer Springs or scanned and returned by email to 


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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
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