A message from Club President Graham Heenan
A large part of the Committee meeting last week was taken up with the water supply issue. We still believe that we might have a viable supply option but there are many legal and consent issues still to be finalised before flow testing can commence. We will continue to keep members posted as move forward.
Our new constitution, which was endorsed at the AGM, has now been approved by the Registrar of Incorporated Societies. Our special thanks to Sandra Best for leading this project. Great work Sandra.
Richard Campbell is working with HDC on a longer term fix to tidy up the car park entrance. Meantime he put trailer load of gravel in the potholes as a temporary fix before the 54 hole tournament. I am sure you all noticed the big improvement, especially after the heavy rain that fell on Day 3. Thank you Richard.
As mentioned in Mike's report last week the 54 hole tournament was a resounding success. The course was in amazing condition thanks to great work by Steve and Neil. Given that there was lots of players with handicaps between +2 and 4 it was a notable that no-one had an under-par round over the 3 days. Oh, and they loved the Wrecker! The players also loved our Club hospitality and the large groups, especially, had a fantastic time. Virtually everyone that I spoke to said they will come back again next year.
Thank you to Wilsons (and to Colin Hight) for their generous sponsorship.
The financials have not been completed yet but the profit from the tournament will be substantial and a great boost to our funds.
Thank you Mike for a fantastic job of running this event and also to David for his excellent organisation of the bar, catering and administration. By my count there were at least 14 club members who volunteered their time for all, or some, of the 3 days - on course tidy up (Dad's Army), as starters, behind the bar, selling raffles, clean up, etc. That says a lot about our Club camaraderie. Thanks everyone.
Also thank you to Annie from 4 Square for the excellent catering and to Gibby and crew for the special auction.
The Club financials have started the year very well with green fees up $13k and bar takings up $10k on the first quarter of last year.
For your information green fees make up 30% of our budgeted 2024-5 annual revenue, bar takings are 23%, tournament income 12% and subscriptions only 11%. Sponsorships, cart hire, shop sales, house rent, and a heap of other items make up the remainder of our income sources.
Given the importance of visitors to our funding we should never mind if we have to give away a Club day for a tournament and we must be very tolerant if some green fee players hold up our play!!
That's all from me. Good golfing.