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President’s message to Members - 21 Jan 2025

Dear Members

Wow, what a great start to the new year! We have some excellent news on the bore front!

We have just received a consent from ECAN to pursue the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa discharge bore as a potential new source of our irrigation water.
This successfully completes stage one of a 3 stage process

We can now move to stage 2 which is to have McMillan’s test the water flows and water quality from this bore.

Then, if there is sufficient water to meet our irrigation needs (which we believe there is), we then can move to stage 3 which is to seek ECAN consent to withdraw the water.

FYI the stage 1 consent, that we now have, automatically entitles us to withdraw 10 cubic metres of water per day. But we require 80m3 per day hence the required stage 3 application.

Note that, had we found water in the bores that we drilled on our own property last year, we would still have had to apply for this 80m3 per day extraction.

The Club owes a huge thanks to Graeme Abbot for his efforts to secure this consent and to HSTP&S and the Hurunui District Council for offering us the use of this discharge bore as our irrigation source. We are greatly indebted to them.

Just a few other quick updates:

1. David reports that green fees, and associated revenue (bar takings, cart hire etc) over the holiday period have been in line with last year despite the inclement weather that has plagued us.

2. The course is looking amazing and quite green, thanks to the the rain and cooler conditions, and it will be in fantastic order for the Senior Pro-Am on 3-4 February.
That will be a great weekend! Mike has 47 pros and a massive field of 168 playing.
I wish good golfing to all members and for a local victory this year! Thank you to all members who are helping out in some way at this tournament.

3. Membership
Since the AGM last September we have welcomed the following new members:

Ben Willems    Will Whiten      Adam Williams            Chris and Xander Squire

Carey Burr      Max Nation      Peter Sidey                 Stephen and Tracey Campen

Andrew and Ben Colenzo       Peter and Simon Hooker        Brian and Julie Jones

Please all make these new members very welcome.


It is amazing that 15 ladies have joined our “she loves golf “ introductory members programme. We hope they enjoy their golf and their lessons and they elect to sign up as members.

Welcome back to all our members overcoming illness and injury. Its great to see you out on the course.

Have a wonderful 2025 everyone.

Kind regards
Graham, on behalf of the Committee

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Two very happy guys when the ECAN consent arrived. On the right is Graeme Abbot, our hero!



Club Day 18th Jan 2025

It was very much all in the family on Saturday with  Brent Berry and Nicky West winning their respective divisions. There were winning performances also from Ryan Wood and Wayne Love. 

It was good to see Dean Pollock back on the course. 

Two's: Barry Toomey, Joe Gantley, Brian Mchattie, Dean Pollock, Howard Chellew and Adam Jacks.

NTP:  Carolyn Williams

Jackpot Twos and Net Eagles: Not Struck 

See the full results below.

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Countdown to our massive Pro Am and notice of Course Closure 


We are well and truly in countdown mode for our big annual tournament. The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa Pro Am.

With 47 golf pros and a field of 168, it's going to be a busy time around the club rooms and on the course.

The course will be closed Friday, 31st Jan; Saturday, 01 Feb; and Sunday, 02 Feb, to members and to the public. We apologise for this inconvenience.

Everybody is welcome to come along and watch some outstanding golf and enjoy a drink and the atmosphere around the club.

Once again, thank you to all our sponsors, without whom this tournament couldn't happen, and in particular to The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa.

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She Love Golf, A Great Success.

This initiative has been very well supported due to our excellent course, Mike's awesome coaching, and perhaps the glass of wine afterwards.  We had 14 ladies turn up for the first night, and with more due to come along for the second session, we have decided to operate She Loves Golf on both Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

If you've ever wanted to play golf this is a fantastic opportunity. 

There are still spaces available. Please contact the office if you wish to come along.


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Simes and Bascand Cups and Minson Salver

We are now taking bookings for these historic tournaments. Call the office to book your place.

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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
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