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Club Day 8th February 25

Scott Callaway was our winner on Saturday with a respectable 38 Stablefords followed closely by Paul Clarke and Paul Jones on 37 each.

Murray Pool and Colin Hight picked up tidy sums for winning the jackpot two's and net eagles. 

The most popular person of the day was Ken Williams, who sourced a generator to keep the after match beers cold when an electricity outage  caused the chiller to fail. Thanks Ken

 Two's : Murray Pool, Scott Callaway, Mike Flutely, Jade Sadler and Paul Clarke.

Net Eagles: Colin Hight

Jackpot two's: Murray Pool

Nearest the Pin: Jade Sadler

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Mike away from Club

As many of you will have heard, Mike is off work this week. He is having a series of tests and some observation. Apart from being extremely bored, he is in good humour and good health. In his usual busy manner, he's been planning the Ladies tournament from his hospital bed.

We wish Mike all the best and look forward to seeing him back soon. 




Kjole Ladies Tournament Course Closures 

We are delighted to be hosting our annual Ladies Tournament from 25 February - 27 February and again from 7 March - 9March. 

We have a very big field this year and will need to close the course until 2pm on each day.

We wish Sandra and Mike every success with this event.

Thank you for your understanding


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We still have some places available for this historic tournament. 

Get your registration in quick !


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3 holes from 3 famous New Zealand golf courses

name the courses in the correct order

First email back wins a sleeve of Bridgestone balls


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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
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