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Saturday 22nd February Club Day

Garry Ritsma had a fine score of 76 off the stick in his final round as a bachelor. That was good enough to win on our Saturday club day.

Although not showing below, visitor,  Adam Watts came second with +3 followed by Steve Gill and Brent Berry.

Two's: Garry Ritsma 

NTP: Carolyn Williams

Jackpot 2's and net eagles not struck.  


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kjole style 9 Hole Ladies Tournament 

This week we have been hosting 59 delightful ladies for the 9 hole kjole style Tournament. 

In what has proved to be a very competitive start, there were some great scores in the stableford round played Tuesday the 25th February with Pauline Blogg from Timaru winning Division 1 and Chris Cole from Kaiapoi winning Division 2. (pictured below).

We will have a full report in next weeks newsletter.

Thank you to all the volunteers assisting with this Tournament and to our major sponsor kjole style.


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Graham Rouse Memorial Bench

There will be a small gathering to unveil a new bench in memory of Graham Rouse at 10am at the 6th tee block this Saturday 1st  of March.

All members are welcome to come along to remember Graham.

A big thank you to all those that contributed to this fund. 


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Upcoming Events at Hanmer Springs Golf Club

These are the tournaments and events upcoming at Hanmer Springs Golf Club. 

Get involved and support your club

You can find further information on the website or contact David or Mike at the office

There will be course closures around some of these dates. .

7th -9th March : Kjole Ladies Tournament 18 hole

15th March : Simes Bascand Cups and Minson Salver

16th March : St Patricks Day Golf Tournament and drinks 

21st -23rd March: Alpine Classic Golf Tournament 

29th March: North Canterbury V Buller Rep Game

9th April : Hanmer Springs Ladies 9 and 18 hole Tournament



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Power Outage 4th and 5th of March

The golf club will be open next Tuesday and Wednesday despite the power cuts and running on generator power.

We can print scorecards, keep the lights on and ensure that your beer and wine is cold.



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We want your Agapanthas

The club would like to prettify the area behind the cart shed just off the 10th tee block..

Do you have any Agapanthas cuttings that you could donate to the club or indeed any other hardy plants that will enjoy a shady area with excellent viewing of errant tee shots.




This weeks Quiz

The New Zealand Open is happening this week. At which course is it being played ?

First email to David wins a sleeve of balls. 

Well done to Marilyn Harrington for winning last weeks quiz.


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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
Hanmer Springs Golf Club Facebook

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