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Message from the President

Hello Members.

Firstly, it is great to see Mike back on deck after his accident. Thankfully he escaped serious injury. Many thanks to David and Carolyn who filled in during Mike's recuperation.

We held our Committee meeting last week and I can report that almost all of the news is good. Here is a snapshot:

1. Irrigation water - progress is slow with technical issues still being worked through withthe driller before we can test water flows from the HSTP&S discharge bore. McMillans are unable to do this testing until April anyway, so no time has been lost.

2. Hurunui District Council storm water retention ponds. We learned recently that the Council has a plan to develop new channelling/piping and two new storage dams in their gully between holes 2 +3 and 9. We have yet to determine exactly what this means for us but it should enhance the area aesthetically. The HDC plan has been lodged with ECAN for their approval.

3. Financials. After 7 months of the financial year our profit is $91k, which is $95k better than last year's loss of -$4k for the same period. This is fantastic! As mentioned in a previous update, we used the extra cash that was generated to repay $100k off the BNZ term loan (which is now down to $85k).

4. Tournaments.
The HSTP&S sponsored Senior Pro-Am was an outstanding success on all fronts. Thank you Mike for your excellent work organising that event, it is a very big project. The tournament generated a profit of approx $8k. It also enhanced our profile and our reputation ... our course and our hospitality were lauded by all who played. Thanks to everyone who helped, and played, that weekend.

The Kjole Ladies 9 hole tournament was held last week. It was also an outstanding success with 69 entrants. Thank you Sandra for a great job of organising that event. Well done. The ladies seemed to be very, very enthusiastic about visiting our Club.
The Ladies Kjole 18 hole tournament will follow next week, also with close to 70 players.

In last weeks newsletter David summarised our upcoming golf calendar for the next few weeks. It is a busy time for us. I hope as many members as possible join in these tournament fields.

5. She Love's Golf - what a great success! We have 19 potential new golfers under Mike tutelage (with good assistance from Nicky and Carolyn during Mikes short absence).
Hopefully most of the participants will become hooked on golf and join the Club as 9 or 18 hole members.

6. Graham Rouses memorial seat. This seat was officially unveiled on Saturday to honour a very special man who was so unfairly taken two years ago.
Whenever we see, or sit on this seat, it will it will bring back the fond memories that we all have of Graham. Thank you to those who initiated this tribute and to those who contributed to it. And a special thanks to Colin Hight for officiating at the opening ceremony.

7. 2022 Members Survey. Many of you may recall that a survey was conducted in mid-2022 asking members what they wanted fixed or improved in the Club.
Our committee reviewed this wish list last week, and, in our opinion, all of the suggestions that carried two or more votes have been satisfactorily actioned over the past 2 1/2 years.Some improvements to kitchen equipment will be addressed over the next few months.

8. Course. The course has been in amazing condition over summer thanks to the continued great work by Steve and Neil, with help from Dad's Army. Regular rainfall has certainly helped too. We can be very proud of how the course has been presented to our tournament guests.

9. Capex. We agreed to purchase a generator to get us through the seemingly inevitable Hanmer power cuts.

That's it from me.
Good golfing and kind regards
Graham Heenan, on behalf of the Committee.
2 March 2025



Club Day 1st March 2025

We had a busy club day on Saturday with a net medal round.

Jeff Dalley won Divison 1 net with a fine 67, Louise Pearce won the ladies also with a 67. The stand out score of the day was our very own Neil Duncan with a net 65 to win the 2nd Divison .

Brent Berry won the mens gross competition with an impressive 71 and Carolyn Williams took the ladies gross honours with a round of 89.


Twos; Mike Gibbon and Wayne Love

Nearest the Pin: Wayne Love

Net Eagles: Scott Callaway


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Kjole Ladies Tournament Interim Update.

Last week’s kjole ladies 3 day, 9 hole tournament was a great success. The course was busy with determined competition and the clubrooms later filled with happy and chattering golfers. The format, the organisation, and the catering was all exceptional and appreciated by all players. Well done to Sandra and Mike.

On Friday this week the kjole, ladies 3 day, 18 hole tournament begins with 61 ladies from as far afield as Timaru and Nelson participating.

 It is great to have five Hanmer ladies in the field - good luck to them all.

We will have a full report on this event, including winners, in next weeks newsletter.

A special word of thanks to all the volunteers that make this event such a success.




Graham Rouse Memorial Seat 

Last Saturday we had the unveiling of the Graham Rouse Memorial seat at the 6th Tee Block. A large gathering of Grahams friends and fellow club members attended and there was a heartfelt and moving speech by Colin Hight. 

Graham's wife, Janine, delivered a poignant and touching talk about the importance of enjoying life in the present and the unpredictability that we all face everyday.

Be sure to take a moment to rest and appreciate just being alive the next time you play this hole.


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Volunteers Needed

Would any members like to act as volunteers for this event on the 6th of April? 

The scenario is that a fire is out of control on the hills above the village and a mass evacuation is required. There will be an actual evacuation.

This is an important exercise and a big undertaking.

If you can assist on the day please contact Grum on the following email

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Upcoming Tournaments that need your support. 


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Last weeks winner was Dean Pollock. (again)

Has anyone noticed the artistic patterns mowed into our tee blocks by Steve and Neil?

Check out the intricate work below and tell me what number tee block this is?

First email to David wins a sleeve of golf balls.


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Hanmer Springs Golf Club
03 315 7110
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